Prepares input for estimate_liability
CIP_merge_columns = c("sex", "birth_year", "age"),
CIP_cip_col = "cip",
status_col = "status",
use_fixed_case_thr = F,
fam_id_col = "fam_id",
personal_id_col = "pid",
interpolation = NULL,
bst.params = list(max_depth = 10, base_score = 0, nthread = 4, min_child_weight = 10),
min_CIP_value = 1e-05,
xgboost_itr = 50
contains family and personal ids and role with a family.
tibble with population representative cumulative incidence proportions. CIP values should be merged by CIP_columns
name of column with age
name of column with age of onset
The columns the CIPs are subset by, e.g. CIPs by birth_year, sex.
name of column with CIP values
Column that contains the status of each family member
Should the threshold be fixed for cases? Can be used if CIPs are detailed, e.g. stratified by birth_year and sex.
Column that contains the family ID
Column that contains the personal ID
type of interpolation, defaults to NULL.
list of parameters to pass on to xgboost
minimum cip value to allow, too low values may lead to numerical instabilities.
Number of iterations to run xgboost for.