Estimate genetic liability similar to LT-FH
status_col_offspring = "CHILD_STATUS",
status_col_father = "P1_STATUS",
status_col_mother = "P2_STATUS",
status_col_siblings = "SIB_STATUS",
number_of_siblings_col = "NUM_SIBS",
tol = 0.01
Liability scale heritability of the trait being analysed.
tibble or data.frame with status of the genotyped individual, parents and siblings.
single numeric value that is used as threshold for the offspring and siblings.
single numeric value that is used as threshold for both parents
Column name of status for the offspring
Column name of status for the father
Column name of status for the mother
Column name of status for the siblings
Column name for the number of siblings for a given individual
Convergence criteria of the Gibbs sampler. Default is 0.01, meaning a standard error of the mean below 0.01
Returns the estimated genetic liabilities.
# See R/Example/example_nosib.R for an example of use and input.